Mon 27 Jan
♥_____ [ X ] R@T€D NeW GiRL✨ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ✨ ______ ♥ 5ST★R CUTIE ____♥ CUTE AS @ BUTTON SWEET AS PIE - 21
(Scranton, WILKES BARRE BABY!!!)
♥LiVyY The CuTiE WitH the BiG BooTy♥ Friday Night specials!! avail all night - 24
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton/hazleton/ sur)
*N£W* ? #1 B£$T = %Tot@L P@CkaGe% $Ee HoW Man¥ L!Ck$ Do$£ It T@K£ 2 Mak M¥ K@Nd¥ (Sp£Ci@L-$100) - 21
(Scranton, Pittston/W.Barre/Scranton In/Out 24/7)
◾◾ XXXX YoUr #1 ❤ InTiMaTe ❤ EnCoUnTeR.....XXXX SwEeT◾ SeXy ◾ SeNsUaL XXXX ◾◾ 901 ❤ 262 ❤ 0751 ❤ - 25
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Northampton Blvd, Virginia Beach)
🎉🌺🎊$50ss •UR S-E-X-I little SECRET let ME cater to YOU 💋 || Call Now• 🎆🎊🌺🎉 - - 22 - 22
(Scranton, Hazelton Incalls only)
💕💕 I kIssEd A gIrL & I LikEd It 😘😘 2 gIrL SpEcIaLs 👍👍 HoT & ReAdY 💦💦 - 23
(Norfolk, Va Beach Norfolk)
NeeDeD BrAkES FoR THeSe CuRvEs ~~ B.B.W. ~~40$$ 2GIRL_spcl_90$ - 25
(Savannah, *•❤•*95_GAteWaY_BlvD*•❤•*)
Sexy * Exotic * Puerto * Rican * Mix * {75/15}Min Incall Special - 26
(Savannah, Abercorn / White Bluff)
You demanded it, Absolutely Gorgeous is back! Bella & Ela! Now hiring! - 22
(Savannah, Savannah and surrounding areas)
Specials running all day, call Beautiful9013783632 - 25
(Memphis, Sycamore view Area ( INCALL ONLY))
* *-:¦:-* * ; *"M.a.k.i.n.g D.r.ea.m.s. C.o.m.e T.r.u.e"* *-:¦:-* * ; . F.o.r.y.o.u * *-:¦:-* * - 23
(Upscale Incall)
**limited time only**{dont miss out come have all your wishes come true}901-208-6591 - 22
(Memphis, Memphis area)
I'm soft & warm sweet & tasty just like candy i'm mature too..$80 for more experience - 44
(Memphis, Fantasy Land)
··♡~`·~·``·You Choose to have fun tonite with 1 Girl Or 2 !!!! ♡··~`·~·`·~·`· - 24
(, North Providence /Providence♥ incalls)
Get to Know Me Special (60) Warm and Inviting Discreet Upscale Location - 30
(Columbus, Columbus/East)
UPscale_ PlayMate (CuTie w / B O O T Y ) •H 0 t S e X y• & f U N • UP all N I G H T ! - 24
(Providence, Your place I go all over.)
Don't be fooled by fakes! Elite Beauty, German & Puerto Rican Doll - 22
(Memphis, Memphis & Surrounding areas)
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
Cynamon - Highly Reviewed - INCALL/OUTCALL - 404-781-9745 - $$$$$SPECIALS AVAILABLE - 23
(Poplar Ave.)
SWeet,Busty 👅Ćømę RELAX WITH Me 👅 💋Y0UR #1✋StOp.2 Relaxation* - 30
(cranston warwick Incalls/out 100%Safe, Providence)
~~!!~~ Didn't get what you WANT for Christmas? ~~!!~~ It's not to late to TREAT yourself!!! - 26
(Memphis Wolfchase)
💋💋💋 COME & SEE me LIVE in PERSON 👀 Best Entertainer in the City 📞 213 787 4792 📞 - 21
Buffie → ☎ 901-462-1064 ☎ $$ OUT CALL/ 75 $$▒▓▓ ♥"Ur HallowEen cAndy BaR"♥▓▓▒ wIt all of Yo trEats - 28
(Memphis, Memphis,Ark,Ms,ALL Truckers welcome)
Cme hve sum W£tt💦Fun wit a Big Booty Melanin hzel👀s DredHead★Goddess if Only U💦Knew🍆😋 - 99
(Columbus, INCALL/EAST Brice Rd)
Beautiful Discreet PlayMate For Your Friday Night Freak Session!! Let's get this Party Started!!! - 22
(Little Rock, in/out)
█▇▆▅▃▂•*¨ 60 InCaLls ★••••★* cLaSsY cUrVy CuTe ♚ HeRe 4 YoU ♚ DaY oR nIgHt * ★••••★ 24 hR *¨*•▂▃▅▆▇ - 24
(Little Rock, little rock n surrounding in&out;)
CoME enjoY An AmAzINg time WiTh BrAnDi im in columbus and have a room today! - 30
(Columbus, columbus/zanesville)
CoLuMbUs LoOk (( ToP ChOiCe SeRvIcE )) 8O SpeCiaL aWaItS U. ((NeW NeW NeW)) - 19
👍💋💋💋💋💋My Kitty🐱 Purring💐🌷 Call me📲 OUTCALL0Sþ - 25
(North KingtoWarwick Cranston surrounding, Providence)